Press & News

Il futuro è già presente – Fashion Tech, The Good Life
Dai sistemi di eye tracking nel punto vendita all’intelligenza artificiale per processi di produzione a «spreco...
L’analisi dei comportamenti nel punto vendita – iFarma
“Le nuove tecnologie sono in grado di rilevare dati importanti che consentono di ottenere indicatori fruibili...
Neuralya, selected start-up for Demo Day 2019 @ Open-Italy by Elis
Below the whole speech, including the video pitch Neuralya presented at the event.
Neuralya @ E-P Summit 2018
The E-P Summit is a meeting place of fashion and innovation’s game changers. It connects with the most important...
Neuralya joined the portfolio of Fashion Technology Accelerator
Fashion Technology Accelerator (FTA) is a program in Silicon Valley, Seoul, and Milan, exclusively dedicated to...
Come fare retail attraverso il neuromarketing – The Next Tech
Read the full article of Lucia Lorenzini about Neuralya and Neuromarketing.
Leggi di...
Wired – 5 startups focused on neuromarketing
Each of us respond to different drives and motivations, but there are many drives we can choose from that not only...
Deloitte named Neuralya one of the most innovative technologies in Greenhouse
Each of us respond to different drives and motivations, but there are many drives we can choose from that not only...
The Vision Network: a new partnership for Neuralya
Each of us respond to different drives and motivations, but there are many drives we can choose from that not only...
Neuralya @ EconomyUP’s innovation stories
Qwince is excited to announce that EconomyUP, the most important publisher about Italian startup and innovation,...
Neuralya @ M&M Global – Why neuromarketing isn’t really ‘neuro’ any more
Qwince is excited to announce that M&M Global, the global brand for media and marketing...
Qwince mentioned in Gartner’s Hype Cycle 2016
Each of us respond to different drives and motivations, but there are many drives we can choose from that not only...
Qwince wins Digital360 Awards for Fashion Industry
Each of us respond to different drives and motivations, but there are many drives we can choose from that not only...
TSW and Neuralya @ Wired Next Festival 2016
Each of us respond to different drives and motivations, but there are many drives we can choose from that not only...
Neuralya: innovation for market research (Millionaire)
The story of Neuralya and how a small startup created one of the most innovative products for market research...
Neuralya: Innovation for marketers (Repubblica)
The most important Italian newspaper, Repubblica, introduces Neuralya as one of the most innovative neuromarketing...
Neuralya named in the “Cool Vendor in Market Research, 2016“
It’s hard to express how proud we are to be considered one of the five coolest worldwide technologies for market...
TSW and Neuralya for User Experience Advanced Testing
Each of us respond to different drives and motivations, but there are many drives we can choose from that not only...
Neuralya is a customer success story for iMotions
Read “Neuromarketing analytics for effective engagement”. Unlike traditional neuromarketing solutions,...
Neuralya @ Deloitte GreenHouse in Milan
Qwince, with its platform Neuralya, was invited by Deloitte Italia to Milan to the Greenhouse opening ceremony. On...
Vanity Fair – Può una macchina capire le nostre emozioni?
Tutto inizia otto anni fa quando un gruppo di studenti della facoltà di Ingegneria di Palermo decide di mettere su,...
Neuralya @ Cannes Lions 2015 “Breaking Boundaries”
Qwince is a member of IAA UK, the International Advertising Association which brings together over 4000 members from...